Sunday, July 6, 2008

Less than a month to go...

This is my first blog entry ever! In just under a month I will leave for Europe to study abroad in Rome, Italy for about 4 months with Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA:Rome). The program lasts from August 26th-December 13th, although I plan on doing some traveling before and after so I will be in Europe from August 5th-December 22nd. I chose to study abroad in Rome because I have had a strong fascination with it ever since I first saw the movie Gladiator almost a decade ago. I especially love the classical-style architecture left behind from the Ancient Roman Empire, and it will be wonderful to walk around every day and soak up the beauty of Italy. I will hopefully be taking classes that will teach me about the many buildings and sites, and it is one of my main goals while abroad to walk around, explore and document these sites; so look forward to some interesting pictures with details in the near future!
I have been lucky enough to share this past year with another Italian enthusiast, my roommate Pepe, who will be studying abroad in Florence the same time that I am in Rome. We will both depart from SFO on the same plane the morning of August 4th and begin our European adventure, traveling for 3 weeks through Dublin, Bath & London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, and then finally end up in our respective places of study.
I feel very prepared for my trip to Europe from my visit to Scandinavia with my family 4 years ago and my brother Jon who just got back from studying abroad in Sweden for 10 months. Jon, Pepe and I are all currently living together in San Luis Obispo, where Jon has given Pepe and me invaluable information to make the most out of our trip and deal with culture shock before we get there. I have also been reading guidebooks and have already made many of my accommodation and transportation reservations.
At this point I am extremely excited to see the sights and immerse myself into the European culture. I will write another entry soon; I am hoping to keep my blog updated often so I can better record my memories and how my global perceptions have changed. Arrivederci!

Planning for a Euro trip can be fun...

But it can also make you feel like you want to pull your hair out... haha

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